For the first time in my working life (I’ve been working since I was 16), I took a two-week vacation. At first, it was just an idea. My best friend Eric raved about vacationing in Greece specifically the island of Skyros. For three years, he would send a week taking a writing workshop through the Skyros Holidays and suggest I join him. I did.
I’ve been back for about two weeks and my head and heart are still in Skyros. Thundercat’s song Them Changes has been looping in my head. Partly because my friend lives in Saudi Araboa and the two weeks in Skyros was the longest we spent since 1996. Bring around each other was good for me (and hopefully for him). We had conversations in real time instead via text of FaceTime. We got to write, draw and share our work with each other.
Being in Skyros helped me to slow down my friend saw that I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I needed to get out of Boston. He was so right. I’m not sure if I will ever be able to thank him enough for pushing me. Eric has advised that it will take me a little over two-weeks to feel ‘normal’ again. I don’t think I’ll ever feel ‘normal.’ Two weeks with him, two weeks in Skyros has changed me. I’m not sure how to feel anymore. All I know is that I can’t go back to the person I was before Skyros.